Advanced Request Management

Applications, registrations or certifications

Your business might depend on your customers to submit interrelated information resulting in complex request forms and flows for applications, certifications, registrations or managing regulatory compliance. Often, this results in many interrelated decisions and different and complex flows.

A configuration-based approach will be helpful to manage all the logical rules behind how they depend on each other—exceeding the capability of traditional systems for request or service management, design of forms and inquiries etc.


SolutionSpace has successfully transformed methods from production industries into public management and the service industry of certifications and compliance. These concepts require a configuration engine for the content supported by configurable UX front-ends and the configuration of resulting documents.

We also ensure a documented dialogue between your customers where the receiver or submitting party negotiates with the company or data handlers. This creates a simple overview and role for the administrator, the data handler and the end-user, internally and externally.


Advanced Request Management offers the following solutions:

  • Efficiency for your customers and your internal processes
  • Flexible setup
  • Configurable flows and forms supporting a high level of complexity
  • Configurable UX front for existing case management systems
  • Configurable and advanced document composition and automation
  • Controlled dialogues as part of the requests

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Jesper Nielsen

Partner & Co-founder

Hey, I'm Thorbjørn

your sales expert

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