
Sustain your business

For CPQ and Configuration solutions implemented by SolutionSpace, we can offer solid, flexible and affordable support.

We cover:

  • Configurator modelling and maintenance
  • Continuously improvements
  • New integrations point
  • Technical maintenance and support of the solution
  • 2nd or 3rd line support to super users (incident and problem management – root cause analysis – bug fixes)
  • Support during rollout

Superior services.
Proven results.


Implementation done by other companies can be supported when running on: 

  • Configit Model
  • Configit ACE
  • Oracle CPQ Cloud
  • Oracle Configurator Cloud
  • Oracle EBS Configurator
  • Tacton CPQ
  • Tacton Configurator Studio™

​The vast majority of IT projects involve a specific portion of user training. The statistics say that about one-third of IT projects go wrong is due to a lack of user training. Therefore, it is the wrong place to save because it affects the business negatively far more than the savings achieved. 

The above applies, of course, mainly regarding introducing new systems, but it is just as essential to keep users’ knowledge maintained and provide new staff training.

Our support Consultants are good at structuring training courses, single classes, and private sessions to ensure that each participant is comfortable carrying out their tasks. In addition, our Consultants are proficient in teaching in English or Danish.

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Reach Out.


Jakob Stamp

Account Executive

Hey, I'm Thorbjørn

your sales expert

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